Agneta Pleijel / Sweden

Agneta Pleijel (was born February 26, 1940 in Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish writer, playwrighter and journalist.

Agneta Pleijel is the daughter of the mathematician Åke and the writer and musician Sonja Pleijel. At the University of Gothenburg Pleijel studied ethnography, literary history and philosophy.

In 1970 Pleijel has already debuted, together with the historician and writer Ronny Ambjörnsson, with the play “Ordning härskar i Berlin” as a playwrighter. With the book of poems “Änglar, Dvärgar” she debuted in 1981 as a poet and for her semibiographic debut novel “Vindspejare” she was awarded in 1987 with the Esselte-priset and the Stora romanpriset.

Since 1998, Pleijel has been a permanent member of the Swedish Literature Academy Samfundet De Nio. At the same time, she became the president of the Swedish branch P.E.N. for two years.

Since 1982 Pleijel is married to the journalist Maciej Zaremba.

Photo by Goran Segeholm