Participants 2014

Sylvia Geist / Germany

Sylvia Geist was born in Berlin. She studied Chemistry, German Studies and History of Art at TU in Berlin. Since the beginning of the 90s she has been a mediator of Central European poetry in a three-year circle of seminars and literary events at the Fachhochschule in Hannover and has published anthologies dedicated to the particular Central European literatures. Her translations of English poetries were published in several anthologies and prestigious magazines. Geist´s poetry collections include   A Morning Blue Animal   (Morgen Blaues Tier, 1997), followed by Non-Euclidic Paths (Nichteuklidische Reise, 1998); Eye Surroundings  (Die Umgebung des Auges, 2004), a publication in an edition A Book of Mutual Reading  (Mitlesebuch, 2006), Before the Weather (Vor dem Wetter, 2009), the novel The Peacok (Der Pfau, 2008) and a book of stories under the titel Last Friends (Letzte Freunde, 2011). She has won a  number of awards, e. g. Niedersächsischen Literaturförderpreis (1998), Lyrikpreis Meran (2002), Künstlerhaus Edenkoben grant (2006), the one-year grant of the federal state of Lower Saxony (2006) as well as the Adolf-Mejstrik-Ehrengabe of German Schiller Foundation (2008). Her latest poetry collection appeared in 2014 under the title Gordic Paradise (Gordisches Paradies).