Participants 2015

Ricardo Domeneck / Germany-Brazil

Ricardo Domeneck was born in São Paulo, Brazil,  in 1977.  He has published five books: “Carta aos anfíbios” (2005), “a cadela sem Logos” (2007), “Sons Arranjo: Garganta” (2009),  “Cigarros na cama” (2011),  and “Ciclo do amante substituível” (2012). His poems have been translated and published in magazines in Germany,  United States, Belgium, Spain, Slovenia, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Sweden, Mexico and Chile. He has performed in galleries and museums such as Museo Reina Sofia (Madrid), Museum of Modern Art (Rio de Janeiro) and Museo Experimental El Eco (Mexico City), and his work was part of the Biennial of the Americas 2013, in Denver (Colorado, USA). His last book was translated by Aníbal Cristobo in its entirety and published in Spain, and bilingual anthologies of his poems were released in Germany in 2013 under the title “Körper: ein Handbuch”, translated by Odile Kennel, and in the Netherlands as “Het Verzamelde Lichaam”, translated by Bart Vonck.  The poet lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

Foto: Tom Harmony